Black History Month Essay Contest

Black History Month Essay Contest

  • Submission Deadline: 12:00 PM Friday, February 21, 2025
  • Description: Celebrate Black History Month by participating in our essay contest! This year’s theme is “African Americans and the Arts.”

Prompt: “What does Black History Mean to Me?” Share your thoughts, reflections, and insights in your essay.

The contest is open to all ages, with winners selected in multiple age categories. Prizes will be awarded, and winning essays will be displayed at the library with the authors invited to a reception to read their essays. Submit your essay by February 21 for a chance to win and be featured!

Guidelines for the Essay Contest:

  1. Theme:
    • Essays must align with the theme “African Americans and the Arts,” reflecting on the contributions and impact of African American artists.
  2. Eligibility:
    • Open to all ages. Age groups will be divided for judging to ensure fairness.
  3. Essay Requirements:
    • Length:
      • Ages 11 and under: 250–500 words.
      • Ages 12–17: 500–750 words.
      • Adults (18+): 750–1,000 words.
    • Format: Essays must be typed and double-spaced (if typed) or neatly handwritten. Digital submissions must be in PDF or Word document format. Must have a cover page with the word count.
    • Original Work: Essays must be original and unpublished. Plagiarism will result in disqualification.
  4. Judging Criteria:
    • Relevance to the theme.
    • Creativity and originality.
    • Structure and clarity.
    • Depth of research or thought.
  5. Submission Process:
    • Essays must be submitted by February 21, 2025, at 12:00 PM.
    • Submit via email or drop off a printed copy at the library’s front desk.
  6. Prizes:
    • Prizes will be awarded to winners in each age group. Winning essays will also be displayed at the library and winners invited to read essays at the reception.
  7. Winners Announcement:
    • Winners will be announced during a reception held on Thursday, February 27, 2025, at 6:00 PM. An invite to read at the reception will go out. All are welcome to come listen. All participants and their families are encouraged to attend.
  8. Additional Details:
    • By submitting, participants agree to allow their essays to be displayed in the library or used in promotional materials.
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Step 1: Register at or download the READsquared app through your app store.

  • Register by making a family account on ReadSquared. You can find us under E.G. Fisher Library. (Letter Space Sensitive)
  • Select the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program.
    • Reading tracking may be done digitally using ReadSquared or the ReadSquared app.

    Step 2: Keep track by logging your reading.

    • For every book, your child reads or listens to, log the reading on ReadSquared. Anyone who reads a book to your child counts.
    • You can track duplicated reads. If you read Goodnight, Moon to your child every night, count it each time.

    Step 3: Unlock and Collect Prizes

    • Once your child reaches a benchmark, he or she can collect a prize from the library.
    • Milestone Prizes include Registration Prize, Every 100 Books Prize, 500 Books Prize, and 1000 Books Prize.



    New printing and other services available!

    New printing and other services available!

    Cardstock printing for $0.50 (black and white) or $0.75 (color) per page

    Colored copy paper for $0.50 per page

    Photo paper for $2.00 per page

    Poster paper (11×17 or 12×18) for $2.00 per page

    Laminating for $2.00 per page (standard size 8.5×11 only)

    Letter-size envelopes for $0.25

    Document-size envelopes for $1.00

    Manilla folders for $0.50

    Binder clips for $0.25

    USPS standard letter stamps for sale at current USPS rate

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    We are now an authorized TWRA licensing agent!

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