1,000 Books Before Kindergarten

Step 1: Register at http://fisherlibrary.readsquared.com or download the READsquared app through your app store.
- Register by making a family account on ReadSquared. You can find us under E.G. Fisher Library. (Letter Space Sensitive)
- Select the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program.
- Reading tracking may be done digitally using ReadSquared or the ReadSquared app.
Step 2: Keep track by logging your reading.
- For every book, your child reads or listens to, log the reading on ReadSquared. Anyone who reads a book to your child counts.
- You can track duplicated reads. If you read Goodnight, Moon to your child every night, count it each time.
Step 3: Unlock and Collect Prizes
- Once your child reaches a benchmark, he or she can collect a prize from the library.
- Milestone Prizes include Registration Prize, Every 100 Books Prize, 500 Books Prize, and 1000 Books Prize.