About Us

E.G. Fisher Public Library’s Mission
The E.G. Fisher Public Library builds community, offering all people in McMinn County a full range of resources needed to live, learn, govern, and work.
The library is a dependable source of reliable information and of challenging ideas that enlighten and enrich. The library offers materials in many formats that enhance leisure time and expand our knowledge of our world. The library encourages the love of reading and the joy of learning and offers the assistance people need to find, evaluate, and use electronic and print information resources that help us live successful and rewarding lives.
Our Manager Team

Rebeckah Coleman
Library Director

Meleena Livesay
Program Director

Cyndi Scott
Assistant Circulation Manager
E.G. Fisher Public Library
1289 Ingleside Avenue Athens, Tn, 37303
Library Hours
Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday
9:30AM – 8:00PM
Wednesday & Friday
9:30AM – 5:30PM
9:30AM – 5PM
Sundays & First Wednesday of the Month